We fight crime with intelligence.

Cybercrime is the fastest growing segment of crime worldwide. In 2023, in the US alone, over 800,000 people reported being a victim of a cybercrime, and we know that this number is significantly under-reported. Across the globe, financial losses due to internet-enabled crimes are conservatively in the billions.

Our Services

Impacted by cybercrime? You are not alone.

You are one of hundreds of thousands of people who have been targeted by professional criminals. Now what? How do you know where to report this crime? Is there any hope of recovering your losses? We understand the overwhelming feelings of loss and helplessness. Let us advocate for you.

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Protect your business. Protect your customers.

We've built a collection of investigative data from many sources, including businesses, non-profits and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) which allows us to analyze the data from seemingly isolated incidents and connect them to others, building an investigative strategy that helps identify and prosecute cyber criminals.

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Our Process

Intelligence for Good has a vast data lake, comprised of data collected for nearly a decade, which includes key datapoints from victims, industry and other like-minded non-profits.

By collecting, analyzing, and connecting data from victims, industry and open sources, Intelligence for Good powers investigations into some of the greatest internet-enabled threats.

Intelligence for Good provides

Resources for victims to pursue prosecution and recovery

Intelligence for businesses to protect their customers and assets

Data to assist Law Enforcement in identifying criminals and criminal organizations

Our Team

Robin Pugh

Robin Pugh is the Executive Director of Intelligence for Good and the President of DarkTower, a threat intelligence company. Pugh’s career has focused on talent development in the IT sector since 1995, and she is passionate about addressing the cybersecurity talent gap and stemming the rising tide of internet-enabled crimes. Since 2016, with the launch of DarkTower, she has focused on building partnerships with academic institutions to develop the next generation of cybercrime fighters.

Gary Warner

Gary Warner is the Director of Threat Intelligence for DarkTower, an intelligence company, and the Director of the Computer Forensics Research Lab at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. After spending twenty years in industry, culminating as an IT Director at Energen Corporation, Warner came to UAB in 2007 where he was instrumental in creating UAB’s Digital Forensics academic program. Warner has 35 academic publications related to cybercrime investigations and forensics, including the Journal of Digital Forensics Security and Law, the International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering, and the International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics. Warner is a frequent conference speaker, having presented at more than 230 conferences on a variety of topics including malware, cybercrime investigations, and terrorism.

Ronnie Tokazowski

Ronnie Tokazowski is a seasoned security professional who has been tracking, hunting, and disrupting scammers for over a decade. Known throughout the industry for his work fighting business email compromise scams, Ronnie has experience hunting APT’s, collaborating with law enforcement, sharing actionable intelligence with those who can mitigate attacks, and advocates for re-thinking how we approach victims of cyber-enabled fraud. In addition, he publishes video content around how pig butchering, romance scams, and many other related scams work. Ronnie’s work has been presented at several security conferences, including RSA, SANS, FS-ISAC, and NCFTA’s Disruption.

Our Partners

The AVAH Outreach GroupScamHaters UnitedAdvocating Against Romance Scammers (AARS)

Intelligence for Good collaborates with three transformative, pioneering organizations, Advocating Against Romance ScammersThe Avah Outreach Group, and ScamHaters United. This partnership combines our strengths in a formidable alliance against cybercrime. Together, we forge a comprehensive support network, providing immediate aid and expert guidance. Our partners' unparalleled skills in victim support and advocacy complement our data-driven approach, ensuring not only recovery but resilience.

About Us

Intelligence for Good was created by a group of individuals who are passionate about disrupting internet-facilitated crimes, and using the indelible cyber trail left by criminals to investigate, illuminate and disrupt their activities and their network.

From stolen identities to sextortion, crypto scams to romance scams, check fraud to human trafficking and opioid sales, the internet has become a weapon in the hands of evildoers who exploit it to commit a wide range of criminal activities that have devastating impacts on those who are targeted.

Solving the cybercrime problem requires making connections between individuals, businesses and law enforcement. Each one of these stakeholders holds important pieces of the puzzle, and by connecting these dots, a clear image of the threat and threat actors are revealed.

We work with the humans who have been impacted, listening to how they've been affected and helping them tell their stories. We partner with corporations, providing them with data to help them identify how criminals are targeting their customers and leveraging their business operations to facilitate the cash-out of their crimes. We collaborate with law enforcement, helping them identify additional victims and additional threat actors, connecting seemingly unrelated cases to reveal large-scale criminal enterprises that can meet prosecutorial thresholds.

Intelligence for Good is here to help.

Contact us today for more information.
